KBI 311397 Issue Addressed: SMS Recipient Macro Does Not Work When Argent Alert Executor Is Used To Fire SMS Alert
Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-T8 and earlier
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
When a SMS Alert using SMS Recipient Macro is fired by Argent Alert Executor, it fails with error “Empty phone number”
It has been enhanced to be able to setup a recheck mechanism similar to Relator so that when the Global Health becomes above the threshold, the Events can be automatically resolved and notification can fired for the corrected condition
The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1601-T9
Technical Background
When a SMS Alert should be fired by an Argent Alert Executor, Argent Console Engine writes out a work order waiting for the Argent Alert Executor to pick up
In the work order, the SMS Recipient Macro is stored
When Argent Alert Executor is about to fire the Alert, the Engine needs to expand the macro with correspondent phone numbers
However, Argent Alert Executor does not have access to the product database
As a result, no phone number is retrieved and SMS Alert fails
Argent AT 3.1A-1601-T9 corrects the issue by expanding the macro before writing out the work order so that Argent Alert Executor does not need to expand the macro
Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-T9 or later