KBI 220090 Logon Accounts The Right To Act As Part Of The OS




5 Oct 2001


Error Message states

Logon account does not have the right of act as part of the OS and replace a process level token.

Testing an MAPI email under other accounts will also fail.

Technical Background

The logon account referred to in the message refers to the account trying to send the email.

This could then be either the user’s interactive account, or the account used by the Argent services.


Close the MAPI client on the server.

(Running the MAPI client at the same time can result in the profile “locking”.)

After this happens, the server must be re-booted before any test will work again.

Ensure the account must have the following rights:

  • Act as part of the operating system

  • Restore files and directories

  • Replace a process token

  • Increase quotas