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Azure is critical for your environment.

With Azure, costs can be lower and productivity can soar, with the right implementation and on-going management.

But moving to Azure is not binary — there is a still a huge amount of in-house legacy infrastructure that remains.

Only Argent provides in-depth automation and management of both legacy and Azure environments from a Single Pane Of Glass — all alerts appear on a single console and the appropriate team is alerted when an issue is discovered.

And pre-defined actions can automatically be executed for both legacy and Azure from the same Argent web interface.

To learn more about Argent’s new Argent for Azure, email

Argent Omega

Argent Omega is Argent’s next-generation automation and monitoring product.

Argent Omega provides an easier-to-use interface with integrated AI learning.

Argent Omega includes Argent Baseline, Argent Compliance Automator, Argent Omega Web Defender, Argent Omega for Active Directory, Argent Omega for Exchange, Argent Omega for Oracle, Argent Omega for Microsoft 365, Argent Omega for SNMP, Argent Omega for SQL Server, Argent Omega for VMware, Argent SIEM-Complete and Argent Reporter.

Argent Job Scheduling

These articles explain how Argent Job Scheduling works, the product’s architecture, and important concepts.

Argent Job Scheduling consists of two components: Argent Scheduler and Argent Queue Engine.

These are the important concepts to understand: Rollover, Background Jobs, Security, Fault Tolerance and Backup Nodes.