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This feature enables you to select which users can see what servers and devices.

It’s particularly useful for companies who use Argent to monitor a wide range of different clients’ machines.

All four permutations are supported, namely

(Visible | Not Visible) * (Read Only | Full Control)

So the first of the two questions is, can the user see the server or device?

If the answer is Yes, then the second question is, does the user have full control or just read access?

The following example will show you how to enable security for specific users within Argent’s web-based console. The Argent Ninja reads its security settings from the Security Manager of the Argent Console.

For information on configuring IIS to authenticate users, please read How To Secure The Argent Ninja.

Let’s say you want the following security restrictions:

User Access
User_A SERVER_1 to SERVER_10
User_B SERVER_11 to SERVER_25
User_C SERVER_25 and SERVER_26

Let’s say you have created Monitoring Groups to contain the servers:

Monitoring Group Servers
SERVERS_11_To_25: SERVER_11 to SERVER_25

Within the Security Manager of the Argent Console Administration, you can add the security for Monitoring Groups.

Remember to adjust the Default Node Policy to View Only or Deny All

See Also:

How Does the Node Security Work?

How Do I Apply A Security Setting To A Monitoring Group?

Adding Security

  1. You can click on New button and select the Monitoring Group.

  2. Then select the user or security group

  3. In this example the same steps have been taken for both Monitoring Groups.

    SERVER_25 and SERVER_26 are restricted based on the Server object type.

  4. Once completed, you can view the summary of the security settings on the Security Manager
  5. Once security settings has been completed and saved, Argent will update the Security.xml file, which is located by default in


    Here is the resulting Security.xml file from this example.

How The Argent Ninja Reads Security Settings

When the Argent Ninja starts it will determine the Windows User.

The Argent Ninja will then read the Security.xml and check the Servers/Monitoring Group this user can access.

Argent Ninja Screen Of User_A

Argent Ninja Screen Of User_B

Argent Ninja Screen Of User_C