Common Report Features

All Report definitions have common functions that are used in every type of report:

Apply To The Following Nodes

This screen allows you to specify nodes to retrieve data for

The data actually sits in the various Argent AT Predictor tables — Argent Reports does no physical polling of the nodes

Simply choose the SuperConsole and the various Monitoring Groups and Nodes will automatically be filtered for you

For Argent Defender URLs — the SuperConsole “* Argent Defender URLs” should be selected


The title appears at the top of the page (underneath the page headers of course) and can be formatted with font sizes, color, etc. — the toolbar shows the available options

Images can also be inserted into this field and custom variables can be used, as indicated by the red custom variable button to the right of the field

Text Above Graph

This section appears after the Title, but before the graph image

This section can be formatted with font sizes, color, etc. — the toolbar shows the available options

Images can also be inserted into this field and custom variables can be used, as indicated by the red custom variable button to the right of the field

Text Below Graph

This section appears after the graph image

This section can be formatted with font sizes, color, etc. — the toolbar shows the available options

Images can also be inserted into this field and custom variables can be used, as indicated by the red custom variable button to the right of the field

Data Scope

Reports, alone, typically don’t have a time range component. The time range is typically set at the Automator level.

However, sometimes customers may want a Report to have a specific time range, and to override the Automator’s setting.

An example might be the case where a customer wants 3 reports in their Group, one specifically set to “Past 24 hours” and the other two following the Automator’s setting of “Past Month”.

By default, Use Automator Settings is ticked – to override, choose Override Automator Settings

Report Style

The Report Style gallery allows customers to choose different themes for each report.

Similar to the data scope, the Report Style is typically set at the Automator level (to give all reports the same standardized theme), but can be overridden at the Report level to use a specific theme.

Note that by choosing a Report Style, formatting options done on the Title or Text Above/Below may be overridden by the theme.

Examples of options that would be overridden by the theme is the font type, font weight, size and font color.