Argent AT Predictor Migration Tool

Argent AT 2.0A-1204-B and later bundle the Argent AT Predictor Migration Tool (AT_PRD_MIGRATE.EXE).

This tool can import a huge amount of Argent XT Predictor data stored in a SQL Server backend into Argent AT.


1. Argent XT data stored in a SQL Server or Oracle backend, accessible from the Argent AT main engine.

2. Argent AT using Microsoft SQL Server as SQL backend.

Note: Argent AT using Oracle backend is NOT currently supported.


1. The lengthy import process can be cancelled in the middle, and resumed the next time the user runs the program.

2. No need for the Argent XT client to be installed on the Argent AT main engine.

3. This tool can import the old XT database even if Argent XT is already de-installed.

4. This tool can import aggregated Argent Predictor data generated by the Argent Predictor Compression Service.


Start the Argent Predictor Migration Tool by running AT_PRD_MIGRATE.EXE from AT product home directory.

Source Product – The Argent XT product

Source DSN – If the Argent XT server or client is installed on the same machine, the Source DSN is automatically filled in when the Argent XT product is selected. Otherwise, users can use the browse button to specify the Argent XT database. This allows importing data while the Argent XT client is NOT installed or when Argent XT is already de-installed

Target Product – The Argent AT monitoring product

Time Frame – Allows a specific period of Argent Predictor data to migrate over

Delete All Existing Argent Predictor Data On Selected AT Product – This option will wipe out all existing AT Argent Predictor data. Use this option with caution

When the program runs, it shows the progress as follows:

Users can click on the Cancel button to cancel out any time.

The next time it runs, users will notice the progress bar runs fast for the records already processed. The program will pick up from where it left off.

When the program is done, users will see the final prompt and a notepad showing the logs.


The migration tool uses SQL Server BULK INSERT to deal with the huge amount of data.

To do the BULK INSERT, a daughter data is first written to a temporary DAT file, then a SQL statement is called to insert the records. By default, the temporary directory is C:\TEMP in SQL Server. This should be sufficient for the majority of cases.

Scenario One

Argent AT main engine and SQL Server are on the same server. In this case, the default setting should be sufficient unless C:\TEMP is not available due to security settings or lack of disk space.

In this case, users may pick X:\TEMP instead as the temporary directory. To do so, users can run:


Scenario Two

Argent AT main engine and SQL Server are on different machines. The Argent AT logon account has write-access to \\{SQLSERVER}\C$\TEMP.

Using the default setting is fine.

Scenario Three

Argent AT main engine and SQL Server are on different machines. The Argent AT logon account does NOT have write-access to the SQL Server directories.

In this case, we require the SQL Server service account to have access to the Argent AT main engine shares.

Say we have Argent Guardian Ultra installed. We can run the program by:

AT_PRD_MIGRATE /local:\\{AT_SERVER}\ArgentGuardianUltra\TEMP /remote:C:\Argent\ArgentGuardianUltra\TEMP

By doing so, the Argent AT migration program writes into the temp directory at C:\Argent\ArgentGuardianUltra\TEMP. SQL Server reads from \\{AT_SERVER}\ArgentGuardianUltra\TEMP.