KBI 220502 Could Not Find The Index Entry For RID %.*hs In Index Page %S_PGID, Index ID %d, Database %.*ls


Argent (all products)


16 Mar 2007


Argent installation with SQL Server backend.

Some Argent services do not start.

(In this instance, there was a power outage on the SQL Server machine).

ODBC connection to SQL Server database gives following error (generic format):

Could not find the index entry for RID ‘%.*hs’ in index page %S_PGID, index ID %d, database ‘%.*ls’.

Event viewer application log on Argent Machine gives the same error.

Technical Background

MSDN Article:


There are corrupt indexes on a particular database table.


Identify which Argent service is not starting.

Run the following on each table for service in question, leaving the large ones for last in this instance, the Argent Guardian was the failed service.(Large tables were: AG_PRD_SLAVE and AG_PULSE).:

dbcc dbreindex (‘table_name’)

Re-index on smaller tables and then start the service to check if issue is resolved.

Re-index larger tables if necessary.

If the Customer can pull Argent database offline for about 30 minutes, run:

dbcc checkdb (‘database_name’)