KBI 220629 Could Not Create Windows User Token
Argent Web products (All versions of Argent Business Manager and Argent Ninja)
23 Dec 2008
A client experienced an issue loading Argent Web Products after changing the Argent password for the domain. The following message was encountered:
Parser Error Message: Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system ‘Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.’
Technical Background
The Argent Web products load with the Argent Service Account user credentials saved in registry during installation.
After changing the Argent Service Account details like user name or password, the registry entries must be updated in order to load the Argent Web Products successfully.
NOTE: This registry entry is not in plain text; it is encrypted and cannot be edited manually.
Argent never employs or uses or stores plain text passwords.
To update the registry entries, there are two options.
Update The Registry Using The Microsoft Utility “aspnet_setreg.exe”
(Typically this will take 2 minutes)
This method is recommended, as you do not lose your settings.
- Go to command prompt and set the current directory to windows directory. (eg: C:\Winnt).
- Execute the following command.
Argent Business Manager
aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Argent\XT_Web\identity -u:”domain name\user name” -p:”password“
aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Argent\XT_Web\identity -u:”MyDomain\UserA” -p:”123″
Argent Ninja
aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Argent\XT_Web_TC\identity -u:”domain name\user name” -p:”password“
aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Argent\XT_Web_TC\identity -u:”MyDomain\UserA” -p:”123″
On completion of the command, you will get a screen like the one shown below:
Click Start, click Run, type Regedt32 in the Open box, and then click OK.
For Argent Business Manager, go to registry entry
For Argent Ninja, go to registry entry
Right click on ASPNET_SETREG folder and go to Permissions (select Permissions from Security menu for Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Server Operating Systems).
For Windows 2003 and later Windows Operating Systems, add NETWORK SERVICE (yourservername\NETWORK SERVICE) with read rights and click Apply.
For Windows XP and prior Windows Operating Systems, add ASP.NET (yourservername\ASP.NET) with read rights and click Apply.
Click OK.
Restart IIS Admin and World Wide Web Publishing services.
Open Argent Ninja and Argent Business Manager in new browsers to verify.
Re-Install Argent Web Products
(Typically this will take 10 minutes)