KBI 310101 Issue Loading 64-bit Message DLLs
Up to and including Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-0801
21 Feb 2008
While running Event Log reports in the Argent Data Consolidator, customer may find the description of the event is improperly formatted. Investigating this further by looking at the service logs of the Argent Data Consolidator, a version of the following error might be found:
20 Feb 2008 15:30:58.680 SERVERNAME AccountName Failed to LoadLibraryEx [Message DLL path]. (Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.)
Technical Background
When consolidating Event Logs with the Argent Data Consolidator, certain message DLLs are required in order to format the Event information correctly. An issue has arisen where 64-bit message DLLs are not being loaded properly which leads to incomplete Description fields in the consolidated Events.
Development is working to address this issue. However, a workaround can be used in most cases.
When a message DLL is not loaded properly, the Argent Data Consolidator will check locally for the corresponding DLL. The folder it refers to is in the Argent Data Consolidator root directory called EVTLOG_MSGDLL.
(i.e. \Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentDataConsolidator\EVTLOG_MSGDLL).
Simply locate a 32-bit version of the message DLL and copy it to this directory. The Argent Data Consolidator will then have a proper DLL to reference when it first fails to load the 64-bit version on the remote device.