KBI 310146 Backup Database Feature Does Not Restore All Definitions
Argent XT 8.0A-0807 or later
12 Feb 2009
During a migration to a new server, it is recommended to use the Argent Backup Database feature, located under the Tools menu, to create the necessary XTB files to migrate to a new server.
After you migrate to a new Windows Server and restore the files created from the Argent Backup Database feature, you may experience one or more of the following issues:
1. Email Alerts may not be migrated
2. Automatic Report Distribution settings may not be migrated
3. Standard Reports no longer appear
Technical Background
For Email Alerts and Automatic Report Distribution settings, use the Argent Console GUI to visually compare that all settings have been properly migrated by comparing them as needed to the original database.
Note: This assumes that the new Argent installation was done to a different Argent database and that the original Argent database has not been overwritten.
To correct the issue with the standard reports not appearing, re-run the Argent SETUP.exe program and perform an in-place upgrade for the affected products (Argent Guardian etc). This will restore the reports so they will display again properly.
These issues will be addressed in a future release.