KBI 310159 Environment Variable Error When Installing On 64-bit Systems


8.0A-0807 or later


27 March 2009


When the Argent Guardian Extended Technology is installed on a Windows 64-Bit system, the following message may appear:

Technical Background

The above message can be safely ignored during installation.

This message occurs because Microsoft has changed the location of the environment variables on 64-bit systems.


After completing the installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Manually set the Path for the System Variables via the System Properties applet in Control Panel as shown below:

    The path should be:

    x:\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole, where x is the drive letter where Argent has been installed.

  2. As a safety precaution, create an export (backup) of the ENTIRE registry using the Regedit.exe tool from Microsoft.

  3. Use Regedit.exe to export the below registry key/branch:


  4. Use Notepad to remove all references to \Wow6432. When done, the modified registry export file should only have a path of:


  5. After confirming the above, save the modified registry export file, then double-click it as needed to create the proper Argent entries in the registry.

If the above registry modifications are not done, you may experience the following issues:

  1. The Argent Data Consolidator Scheduling Engine service will not start properly on the 64-bit Windows server that runs Argent.

  2. A 32-bit daughter engine installation will fail with the following error message:

    Server XYZ is not a Argent Console Main Engine