This section covers all Argent Reports Release Note KBIs
- KBI 310639 Issue Addressed: Compliance Reports Using * For All Nodes
- KBI 310640 Enhancement: Argent Reports Performance Improvements
- KBI 310641 Issue Addressed: Node-based Reports Show All Nodes Always
- KBI 310642 Enhancement: Argent Reports Support for Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8
- KBI 310643 New Feature: SQL Variables For Generic Tables
- KBI 310655 Issue Addressed: No Reports Scheduled-Argent Reports Scheduler Service Stops
- KBI 310683 New Feature: SMS, Alert Escalation and Auto-Correction In Cross-Reference Reports
- KBI 310685 New Feature: From First to End of LAST Month Date Range Option
- KBI 310686 Enhancement: Argent Change Log Reports Support for CMDB-X and Argent Console Changes
- KBI 310687 Issue Addressed: No Reports Scheduled-ARGSOFT_ARGENT_REPORTS_CDP.EXE Does Not Appear
- KBI 310688 Issue Addressed: Unable to Generate PDF-‘Could Not Render The HTML Area…
- KBI 310861 Enhancement: Rule and Relator Description Added To Cross-Reference Reports
- KBI 310862 Enhancement: Ability To Sort SLA Downtime Reports By Downtime Descending
- KBI 310863 Enhancement: Argent for Compliance File Audit Reports Now Ignores Temporary Microsoft Office Files
- KBI 310864 Issue Addressed: Argent for Security File Audit Report Shows No Data
- KBI 310865 Issue Addressed: Empty To: fields for Email Alerts Causes Errors In Cross-Reference Reports
- KBI 310866 Enhancement: Re-worded Since to as of When Describing Date Ranges
- KBI 310867 Enhancement: %VARIABLES% Pull-down Now Shows Helpful Descriptions and Examples
- KBI 310868 Enhancement: Mailbox Traffic Report-Added Sum of Message Size MB Option
- KBI 310869 Issue Addressed: Manage Folders Popup Does Not Appear After Clicking