This section covers all Argent Reports Release Note KBIs
- KBI 311390 Issue Addressed: Performance Table Reports Incorrectly Left Justifies All Values So They Appear Under The Wrong Column
- KBI 920001 Enhancement: Argent Reports Integration with Argent for Java, Argent for MySQL, Argent for XenApp
- KBI 920002 Enhancement: Service Names and Monitoring Options Added to Cross-Reference Reports for Service Rules
- KBI 920003 Enhancement: SLA Reports in Argent Reports Now Discard SLA Data Points That Occur During Server Maintenance Periods
- KBI 920004 Enhancement: Argent Reports Integration with Argent Defender Ultra, Argent for Storage, Argent for AWS and Argent for Sybase
- KBI 920005 Enhancement: Added 1, 5 and 15-Minute Time Intervals To Large Time Ranges in Argent Reports
- KBI 920006 Enhancement: Argent Reports Filters Support * and ? Wildcards
- KBI 920008 Enhancement: Argent Commander Fully Supports IIS 10 on Windows 2016
- KBI 311539 Argent Reports Style Gallery
- KBI 311540 Revamped Argent Reports Interface
- KBI 311541 Argent Reports Alert Tables Show Duplicate Alert Rows
- KBI 311542 Forecasting What Reports Run And When
- KBI 311543 Creating Compliance Reports For CJIS, HIPAA, PCI, SOX In Five Minutes
- KBI 311557 GDPR Compliance Reports In Argent Reports
- KBI 311558 Choosing Instances In Performance Top X Reports Does Not Show The All Instances Option
- KBI 311559 Performance Top X Reports Sort Order Does Not Change When Generating Report
- KBI 311581 Enhancement: Argent Reports Heartbeat Emails
- KBI 311582 New Feature: DeviceMagic-Network Hogs Report
- KBI 311641 Enhancement: Argent Reports Allows Saving Reports As CSV Files
- KBI 311685 Issue Addressed: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with integrated authentication