KBI 312163 How To Migrate Report Definitions From Argent Reports To Argent Reporter


Argent Omega 2.2A-2404-A or later


Thursday, 16 May 2024


This KBI explains how to migrate Report Definitions from Argent Reports to Argent Reporter.

Argent Reporter is the reporting facility built into Argent Omega

The most important aspect of Argent Reporter is that it can take data from any database – SQL Server, Oracle, etc. – there is no limit.

Moreover, the PowerShell script facility enables Argent Reporter to generate reports from any data source – flat files, Excel spreadsheets, web pages, etc. – there is no limit.

Now, Argent Reports customers can port the report definitions from Argent Reports to Argent Reporter.
Use the Argent AT Migration Tool on the Argent Omega home page to convert report definitions from Argent Reports to Argent Reporter.

Of course, all conversion tools need to be used with care; no conversion tool can do everything 100%.

Currently, the Argent Advanced Technology Migration Tool does not migrate Report Schedules and Report Automator configured in Argent Reports. This is because Argent Reporter uses Easy Automator for automating reports, and its design is different from Argent Report’s Report Automator.

Technical Background


  • Exported Argent Reports definitions in a ZIP file named ArgentReports.zip.
  • Argent Omega using Microsoft SQL Server as database backend.
  • Steps To Execute

    Migrating data from Argent Reports to Argent Reporter is a two-step process:

  • Export the Argent Reports definitions to a backup file named ArgentReports.zip by executing a PowerShell script that comes with the Argent Omega setup package
  • Import data from the backup file ArgentReports.zip to Argent Omega database using Argent AT Migration Tool
  • Step 1: Export Argent Reports Definitions to ArgentReports.zip

  • Ensure that the Argent Reporter SQL database is accessible.
  • Navigate to _ARGENT_OMEGA_INSTALL\OTHERS folder in Argent Omega setup package
  • Open PS_EXPORT_ARGENT_REPORTS.txt in Notepad and copy all the content. This file contains a PowerShell script to export Argent Reports definitions
  • Open Windows PowerShell ISE and paste it in the script pane. The user needs to update the PowerShell script with the following:

    1. SQL Server details of Argent Reports
  • 2. Valid export path

  • Run the script. The data will be exported as ArgentReports.zip file, and it will be in the specified export directory
  • Exported ArgentReports.zip:

    Step 2: Import data from ArgentReports.zip to Argent Omega database

  • To import the exported data to Argent Omega, right click on the home screen and choose the option Argent AT
    Migration Tool:
  • Browse and select the exported ArgentReports.zip file:
  • When specifying comma separated object names in the Explicit Objects text box, only objects with the matching name will be migrated to Argent Reporter.

    There are 4 options available to choose while migrating data to Argent Omega:

  • The Exclude Sample Definitions in Argent Reports option will exclude all the sample report definitions that come when installing Argent Reports
  • The Overwrite Existing Definitions option will overwrite the definition if an object with the same name exists in Argent Reporter
  • The Run System Snapshot Before Importing Migration Data option will take a backup of all existing data in Argent Omega and store it in \SNAPSHOT folder with a date and time stamp
  • The Simulate Only option simulates the migration process and shows the result. No database operation will happen.
  • Select the required options and click the OK button to do the migration. After completing the migration process, the result shows the migration summary
  • Verify Migration

    After executing the Argent AT Migration Tool, verify that report definitions from Argent Reports have been successfully migrated to Argent Omega’s Argent Reporter.

    Click Run Report option to test the report


    Upgrade to Argent Omega 2.2A-2404-A or later