KBI 311484 Failed To Connect To SQL Database After Converting To Use TLS 1.2


Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions


Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Several known security vulnerabilities have been reported against SSL and earlier versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Due to this, many customers are being required by security auditors to upgrade to TLS 1.2 for secure communication

This recommendation can cause issues with many applications as reported by Microsoft in the below article:


Technical Background

Argent currently uses the SQL Native Client for connection to the SQL Backend of Argent

Customers may discover once completing the TLS 1.2 conversion, Argent can no longer attach to the database and will receive the below error:


This issue has been reported to Argent and will be addressed in later versions

Currently, customers can work around this issue by following the below steps:

  1. Stop all Argent AT services
  2. For each installed product including Argent Console, edit registries located under

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Argent\{Argent Product}:

    • SQLSERVER_DRIVER to ‘SQL Server Native Client 11.0’
    • SQL_MIRROR_SERVER to the same value listed in registry key SQL_SERVER (if customer is currently using SQL Mirroring, leave the value already present in the SQL_MIRROR_SERVER key)
  3. Restart Argent AT services