KBI 311798 Variables Available In Argent Advanced Technology


Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2001-A or above


Wednesday, 4 March 2020


This note contains documentation for all variables that can be used within Argent Advanced Technologies.

Technical Background


Sometimes you need to add a variable to an Alert for parameters, such as the name of the server being tested-hard-coding each server name would be a huge amount of needless work.

For Alerts that need variables, there is a %VARIABLE% button.

This help page is a master list of the variables and their meanings.

Printing this material is often useful.

The Node’s alias name, if present.

If it is not present, a null string is returned.


The Node’s Network Group, if present.

If it is not present, a null string is returned.


The name of the Rule causing the event to be fired to the main Argent Console screen.


The name of cluster if this Node is a cluster object.

If it is not a cluster object, a null string is returned.


The name of cluster object if this Node is a cluster object.

If it is not a cluster object, a null string is returned.


The console comment of the Rule causing the event to be fired to the main Argent Console screen.


The status of the event to be fired.

This will be “Alert” for an original event or “Corrected” for a correcting event.


The name of the Argent product that generated the Alert.


A summary of the event.


A detailed description of event.


The long description of the event with new lines replaced with spaces.

This is useful for sending SMS messages and emails.


The event summary.


The short event summary.


The event summary of the original event.


The event summary of the resolving event.


Each event on Argent Console screens (A1X) is assigned an ID, which is incremented and reset to 1 when reaching 99,999.

%AGNodeDelayMS% (Milliseconds)

The Node’s TCP/IP timeout in milliseconds.

This value is specified in the node property of CMDB-X.

%AGNodeDelayS% (Seconds)

The Node’s TCP/IP timeout in seconds.

This value is specified in the node property of CMDB-X.


The name of the Node causing the event to be fired to the main Argent Console screen.


The Node’s TCP/IP retry count.

This value is specified in the node property of CMDB-X.


The Node type.


The name of the Relator causing the event to be fired to the main Argent Console screen.


The names of the reports included in this Alert for automatic report distribution.


The Rule’s description field.


The name of the service causing the event to be fired to the main Argent Console screen.


The internal unique ID of the event.

This value is the column ‘pckey’ of the AAC_Console table, which is the primary key of the SQL table.

The SQL Server backend maintains this field.


The date when the Rule was broken, taken from the date on the local machine.


The time when the Rule was broken, taken from the time on the local machine.

Contact Information

These variables are from the CMDB-X.


The Location specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.


The Point of Contact specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.


The Phone Number specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.


The Email Address specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.


The System Owner specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.

%SecurityOfficer %

The Security Officer specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.


The Remote Desktop Command specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.

This is the command line to start the remote desktop process when right-clicking on the Argent Console (A1A) screen and selecting ‘Windows Remote Desktop’.


The Support URL specified for the Node in the CMDB-X.

If not specified, a null string is returned.

This is the command line to launch the support website when right-clicking on the Argent Console (A1A) screen and selecting ‘Support URL’.
