KBI 310695 New Feature: Option Use Yesterday’s Date In System File Rule


Argent Guardian Ultra 3.1A-1310-A and later


Thursday, 3 Oct 2013


New option allows using yesterday’s date to replace date/time keywords in file path

Technical Background

Argent AT has the capability to specifying date and time keywords in file path field in System File Rule

This is an extremely powerful and useful facility

It is particularly useful for system files that use date or time as part of their file name

By default, Argent AT uses current day’s date and time

But sometimes system actually generates log file using yesterday’s date

For example, this can happen of the backup takes some time to complete, and when the backup finishes, it may have already crossed midnight into the next day

A result, the log file name actually uses yesterday’s date

Take following sample rule as example, say today is 30 Sep 2013

The log file name is AAC_ENGINE_LOG_%MMM%_%dd%_%yyyy%.ZIP

If the option ‘Use Yesterday’s Date‘ is not checked, the actual file checked is:


If the option ‘Use Yesterday’s Dateis checked, the file checked is:



Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1310-A or later