KBI 310736 Issue Addressed: Handle Leakage In Argent Non-Stop Monitor Environment


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1310-A and earlier


Tuesday, 5 Nov 2013


When Supervising Engine fires an event through Argent Console Motor, it will leak one semaphore and three event handles

Technical Background

When Supervising Engine fires event through Argent Console Motor, it has to first parse AAC_CLUSTER.XML to find out all available Argent Console Motors, then it selects an available motor to send over alert request

There is a coding error that does not release a MSXML Active Interface. As a result, 4 handles associated with the interface are leaked

The issue happens in Argent Non-Stop Monitor environment only

Customer will not notice the issue generally due to all leakage is reclaimed during midnight recycling


Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1310-B or later