KBI 311328 Issue Addressed: In Argent for Oracle Bulk Password Change Causes Change In Other Properties Of The Selected Nodes


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1510-T9 and earlier


Tuesday, 22 December 2015


An issue has been addressed that Argent for Oracle bulk password change causes a change in other properties of selected Licensed Nodes

Technical Background

When a bulk password change is applied in the License Manager Node Properties, the other Node properties such as Oracle Installation Type, Use ODBC, ODBC DSN and Admin Privilege of the selected Licensed Nodes also get updated

Since each database instance has unique Oracle Installation Type, Use ODBC, ODBC DSN and Admin Privilege, these properties have to be retained while new password is applied to the Node properties

It is a coding error and has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1601-A version


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-A or later