KBI 311812 Issue Addressed: Could Not Record Web Session For HTTPS Sites Using Self-Signed Certificate


Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2001-A and below


Thursday, 16 April 2020


Some internal web sites use self-signed certificates

By default, Chrome/Chromium browsers do not open these web sites automatically

As a result, Argent Sentinel web session recorder reports the error “ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”

The same applies to sites that use expired, revoked, or otherwise broken certificates

The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 5.1A-2004-A

Technical Background

Argent Sentinel uses the Puppeteer library to record as well as playback web sessions

An exception is thrown if the ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error is encountered

The library version that was released recently includes the navigation option “ignoreHTTPSErrors”

When it is turned on, combined with the Chrome/Chromium argument “–ignore-certificate-errors”, self-signed certificates will be safely ignored and script recording and playback can proceed successfully


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2004-A or above