KBI 311874 Issue Addressed: Argent Sentinel Generates Inaccurate Site Downtime Report


Argent Sentinel 5.1A-2010-A and below


Thursday, 8 October 2020


Argent Sentinel might report random downtimes when running SLA Downtime Report for sites monitored by Argent Sentinel

However, inspecting the job logs of correspondent site shows that the web sessions have all been executed successfully

Therefore, Argent Sentinel should not have reported the downtime

The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 5.1A-2010-B

Technical Background

The issue is caused by coding error

Argent Sentinel saves web session status and statistics in SQL table ARGSOFT_AD_TASKLOG

SLA data is a secondary data derived from data stored in ARGSOFT_AD_TASKLOG and saved in Argent Predictor database

The data stored in ARGSOFT_AD_TASKLOG is accurate

As a result, SLA data can be restored if necessary


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2010-B or above

If SLA must be restored for reporting purpose, use bundled utility CYCLOPS_RECALCULATE_SLA.exe or contact Argent Tech Support for further detail