KBI 311030 Enhancement: Compliance Reports Now Supports LOG_ARCHIVE Table


Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B and above


Friday, 1 Aug 2014


The Compliance Reports in Argent Reports now supports the LOG_ARCHIVE table – this is the table where all file logs, or logs that don’t match the auditing features of the Universal Compliance Relator

Historically, the LOG_ARCHIVE table could be handled by the Event-based Tables in Argent Reports

This enhancement simply allows the LOG_ARCHIVE table to also be handled by the Compliance Reports for easier management of reports, and allows customers to leverage off some of the unique features within Compliance Reports, such as the sorting and Group By features introduced in Argent Reports 1407-A

Technical Background

The Report Category for the LOG_ARCHIVE table is called the ‘Log Archive Summary

Up to 9User Data” fields can be chosen in the field selection


Upgrade to Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B or above