KBI 311031 Enhancement: New Flag In Argent Reports Internal XML To Control SQL Unicode Support


Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B and above


Friday, 1 Aug 2014


By default, this feature is enabled – however, some customers may need to disable this feature if they are running into issues where seemingly simple Reports are taking a very long time to generate

One customer has noticed that the Unicode support (denoted in SQL queries as N ‘{value}‘ instead of ‘{value}‘) causes the query to take far longer, even for the simplest and most basic queries

This may be environmental, or SQL-version specific – nevertheless, the flag “UNICODE_SQL” with a value of “1” means enabled, while “0” means disabled

Disabling Unicode SQL means all inputs must be within the standard ASCII table (no foreign characters)

Technical Background



Upgrade to Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B or above