KBI 311033 Issue Addressed: SLA Reports Incorrectly Uses Total Range For Newly Added Nodes


Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B and above


Friday, 1 Aug 2014


If a customer starts monitoring a new server today, and if a report is generated against this server for ‘Past 30 Days‘, the SLA Report will incorrectly base the percentage on the total range of 30 days, instead of the first data point

This may lead to confusion for customers when the SLA Report claims the Node has been up for 720 hours (30 days) when the customer knows the Node was only setup today

Technical Background

The SLA Reports will now find the first timestamp and base the total range from the “first timestamp” to the “end time

Note that for Nodes that actually have data prior to the start time of the range, the SLA Reports will assume the value of that data point for any missing data that may occur at the start of the report range

Similarly, for Nodes that have valid data at the beginning of the time range, but are missing data towards the end of the time range – Argent Reports will use the latest valid data point and assume that value until the end of the time range


Upgrade to Argent Reports 3.0A-1407-B or above