KBI 312191 Issue: Argent Job Scheduler Upgrade Appears To Loop
Argent Job Scheduler 10.0-2401-A or earlier
Monday, 14 October 2024
While executing an Argent Job Scheduler upgrade, the upgrade appears to loop.
Technical Background
Examination by TaskMgr or SysInternals’s Process Explorer shows CPU and I/O being consumed; not a wait or deadly embrace.
Typically the apparent loop appears on the screen copying files, similar to:
This is actually not a loop, rather there are a very large number of files being processed (typically over 1,000,000 files).
This can be confirmed with a simple DIR command.
This issue has been addressed in Argent Job Scheduler 10.0-2410-A version.
Upgrade to Argent Job Scheduler 10.0-2410-A or above