KBI 310451 Enhancement: Database Settings Best Practices Rules In Argent for SQL Server For Database Performance Improvement


Argent Advanced Technology 1304-L and above


Friday, 3 May 2013


Argent Advanced Technology has been enhanced with a new set of Rules called ‘Database Settings Best Practices‘ in Argent for SQL Server which check database areas for performance improvement

Technical Background

These are checks which should generally be done immediately after an instance is brought online and is setup

However, running these checks across all SQL Servers will show areas for performance improvement and potentially cut off a looming performance issue

  1. Check Auto-Shrink Option
  2. Checks the status of database property ‘AutoShrink‘ is set to true

  3. Check AutoClose Option
  4. Checks the status of database property ‘AutoClose‘ is set to true

  5. Page Verify
  6. Checks the status of database property ‘Page Verify‘ is not set to CHECKSUM

  7. Auto Create Statistics
  8. Checks the status of database property ‘Auto Create Statistics‘ is turned off

  9. Auto Update Statistics
  10. Checks the status of database property ‘Auto Update Statistics‘ is turned off

  11. Auto Update Statistics Asynchronous
  12. Checks the status of database property ‘Auto Update Statistics Asynchronous‘ is turned off
