KBI 310625 Issue Addressed: Argent Commander Console Loads Forever


Issue Addressed in Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B and above


Thursday, 1 Aug 2013


Argent Commander Console loads infinitely — no events appear at all

Technical Background

The Console’s sort order and sort column are persistent settings stored in each user’s _OPTIONS.XML file

The sort column is saved in the ‘CONSOLE_SORT_FIELD’ XML node — the default value should be ‘1’

Customers using older browsers may cause the sort column to be saved as a ‘blank’

When this node’s value is blank, it causes the alert-fetching function to fail


Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B and above.

The workaround for customers on older versions is to either click once on any column header to initiate a sort

This saves a valid non-blank entry into the ‘CONSOLE_SORT_FIELD’ XML node

Alternatively, customers can manually modify the _OPTIONS.XML directly and ensure ‘CONSOLE_SORT_FIELD’ is set to ‘1’