KBI 311101 New Feature: Graphs By Monitoring Group In Argent Commander Sandbox


Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above


Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014


Sandbox now has a special feature to allow Monitoring Groups to be plotted

When a flag is set, the Monitoring Group pull-down will appear, and the Node will include ‘*‘ as a selectable option

Warning: For large Monitoring Groups consisting of, say, 20 or more servers, not only would the graph perform poorly, but the graph would be so full of data points that it becomes unreadable

Technical Background

The flag is set in {Drive:}\Argent\ArgentCommander\COMPARE.ASP. Near the top of the page, customers will see:

gk_bShowMonitoringGroups = False

Set this to True to enable Monitoring Groups in Sandbox


Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above