KBI 311261 Enhancement: Product/Node-Specific Description Field Added To Argent Commander Console


Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later


Thursday, 23 July 2015


Each event in Argent Commander Console is raised by a particular product, e.g. Argent Guardian Ultra.

Customers may want product AND node-specific data to be displayed in the Console.

An example is Contact Information.

Let’s take a SQL Server called ‘SVR-SQL’.

If an Alert is raised by Argent Guardian Ultra about the Windows Operating System (e.g. A critical service is down) — the Contact Information might show the Windows Team Leader.

However, if an Alert is raised by Argent for SQL Server (e.g. Too many deadlocks) — the Contact Information might show the SQL Team Leader.

The only product AND node-specific data field is the ‘Description’ field under License Manager for each product.

Different customers may use this field for different purposes.

This enhancement adds this field’s data, based on the product the Alert was raised from, to the Argent Commander Console screen as a new, sortable column.

Technical Background

This setting is controlled in the XML folder, under ARGSOFT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS.XML as ‘CONSOLE_SHOW_PRODUCT_NODE_DESC’

Argent Commander 1507-G or later will automatically add this new XML node as part of the upgrade process.

By default, the value will be “0” (disabled). To enable the feature, set this value to “1”.


Upgrade to Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later