Changing TCP/IP Ports For Remote XS Engines
The new XS Argent Queue Engine uses TCP port 3135. The older NT-version Argent Queue Engine uses TCP port 3000.
For customers connecting with remote Argent Queue Engines, once the remote Argent Queue Engine is upgraded to an XS style Argent Queue Engine, the port in the Argent Job Scheduler needs to be changed to communicate with the remote engine.
Note: This is ONLY necessary for remote XS Argent Queue Engines.
Follow the below steps as needed for Argent Queue Engines that have been upgraded to the XS version of the Argent Queue Engine:
In the Argent Job Scheduler Console GUI, click the Settings menu and choose Remote/Unix/iSeries/SAP Server Management as shown below:
Select the appropriate remote Argent Queue Engine, and choose Not Using Message Header or Using Message Header in the Comm Protocol drop-down list as shown below:
Note: Choose Using Message Header if the UseSocketMsgHeader option is enabled on the XS Argent Queue Engine. Selecting either of the options will change the TCP/IP Port setting to port 3135.
Click the Save button, and then the Close button.
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