W200x Rules
Argent comes with over 2,500 pre-defined Rules.
This is one reason Argent can be fully implemented to monitor 250 servers in just a few days – everything you need is built into the product.
And there is no ‘chatter’ with Argent – Rules are not all enabled by default, so you won’t be flooded with thousands of meaningless alerts.
Argent Application monitoring is entirely extensible, but a short list of common, supported applications might include: Active Directory, Apache, Blackberry, BIND, Citrix, DHCP, DNS, FTP, IIS, ISA, J2EE, Notes, SAMBA, Sendmail, Sharepoint and WebSphere.
You can view Argent Rules either by Application or by Class.
Applications monitored with Argent are:
Rules by Class are:
- Active Directory Rules
- Performance Rules
- Program Rules
- Service Rules
- System Command Rules
- System Down And SLA Rules
- System Printer Rules
- System File Rules
- System WMI Rules
- Service Pack Rules
- Server Connectivity Rules
- Registry Rules