KBI 312184 Custom Numeric Format In Performance Report
Argent Omega 2.2A-2404-B and later
Monday, 24 June 2024
Performance Reports in Argent Reporter normally display numeric values with two digits after decimal point
For example, 23.378% of Free Space is displayed as 23.38%.
Sometimes users may want to display the only the integer or a number in greater precision.
Argent Reporter 2.2A-2404-B has been enhanced to allow specifying the custom numeric format.
Double click on the cell of format to specify or select from the popup.
The numeric format must conform to RDLC standard. Sample numeric formats include
- #,0;(#,0) – integer
- #,0.00;(#,0.00) – two digits after decimal point.
Users can specify their own precisions. For example, use ‘#,0.000;(#,0.000)’ for three digits after decimal point.
Technical Background
Upgrade to Argent Omega 2.2A-2404-B or later