Performance Top X Tables
Performance Top X Tables display the Top X instances across all selected servers
Only one counter can be selected, but filters can be applied
Argent Reports scans through all instances of the counter (e.g. A counter would be ‘LogicalDisk’ and instances would be ‘C:’ or ‘D:’, etc.)
The values can then be sorted by Ascending or Descending order, depending on the counter
Include Report Parameters
This option hides or shows the blue box in the report that shows the time zone, time range, special parameters and nodes
Include Visualization Bars For Percentage Metrics
Adds a horizontal bar next to each item to see the relative difference between each of the Top X metrics – only applicable to percentage-based metrics
Graph Options
Graphs can be added for each of the Top X nodes – the options are identical to those found in the Argent Reports Graphs article