
You can completely customize every SharePoint-specific Rule.

To change the threshold of the Rule to compare against, click on the Update Rule button, and specify the new value you’d like to use.

Use Average of X Samples

At each execution of a Rule, X samples will be taken rather than a single sample. The threshold will be compared against the average of these samples.

Delete Extremes

When multiple samples are taken, extreme values or anomalies will be deleted.

Fail Rule If Data is Nonexistent Or Unavailable

If the returned value does not exist, or is unavailable, the Rule will be broken.

Save Performance Data Into The Argent Predictor

Determines if the value should be stored into the Argent Predictor for reporting and trend analysis.

Post Event Even If Same Event Is Still Outstanding (Unanswered)

Determines if a new event should be displayed even if the same event is currently outstanding,

Post Event Only After Rule Is Broken X or More Times

This causes the event to be registered as broken only after it has failed X times.

Reset Counter

This section is only used if you use the Post Event Only After Rule Is Broken X or More Times feature. It determines when the counter should reset back to zero.

Console Comment

This is a short description of the issue that occurred, used in the Events and Alerts area, as well as for Alert content,