KBI 220513 Relators With Exchange Connectivity Rules Do Not Run Subsequent Rules
Argent Exchange Monitor 8.0A-0701
29 Mar 2007
Relators With Exchange Connectivity Rules Do Not Run Subsequent Rules
Technical Background
Relators can specify multiple rules, and it is expected that all rules are executed according the specified schedule.
This is generally true, for example:
Reading the relator trace log confirms that both rules are being executed as expected (as well as being saved to the Argent Predictor):
Fri Mar 30 08:40:03.642 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec SUBMITTED TASK of relator REL_TEST, server ARGENT-JOEC2 to Monitoring Engine
Fri Mar 30 08:40:03.658 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Query status for service ‘Windows Time’ on server ARGENT-JOEC2
Fri Mar 30 08:40:03.658 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule is not broken. Service Windows Time on node ARGENT-JOEC2 is running.
Fri Mar 30 08:40:04.720 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec % Committed Bytes In Use of Memory = 34.91
Fri Mar 30 08:40:04.720 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule ‘PRF_MEMORY’ is not broken for server ARGENT-JOEC2
Fri Mar 30 08:40:09.204 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
Fri Mar 30 08:40:09.204 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
Fri Mar 30 08:41:03.654 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec SUBMITTED TASK of relator REL_TEST, server ARGENT-JOEC2 to Monitoring Engine
Fri Mar 30 08:41:03.654 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Query status for service ‘Windows Time’ on server ARGENT-JOEC2
Fri Mar 30 08:41:03.654 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule is not broken. Service Windows Time on node ARGENT-JOEC2 is running.
Fri Mar 30 08:41:04.685 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec % Committed Bytes In Use of Memory = 35.34
Fri Mar 30 08:41:04.685 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule ‘PRF_MEMORY’ is not broken for server ARGENT-JOEC2
Fri Mar 30 08:41:09.216 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
Fri Mar 30 08:41:09.216 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
However, when a Connectivity Rule is specified, subsequent rules are not executed:
In this case, only the first rule (a Connectivity Rule) is executed, and the other rule is not:
Fri Mar 30 08:36:03.140 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec SUBMITTED TASK of relator REL_TEST, server ARGENT-JOEC2 to Monitoring Engine
Fri Mar 30 08:36:03.140 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule CNT_COX_PING is NOT broken. Successfully connected to Exchange Server
Fri Mar 30 08:36:09.218 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
Fri Mar 30 08:37:03.152 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec SUBMITTED TASK of relator REL_TEST, server ARGENT-JOEC2 to Monitoring Engine
Fri Mar 30 08:37:03.152 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Rule CNT_COX_PING is NOT broken. Successfully connected to Exchange Server
Fri Mar 30 08:37:09.215 ARGENT-JOEC2 joec Performance data is saved successfully
The relator configuration indicates that alerting (and associated Argent Predictor data) should be functioning, but the logs show that this is not the case.
A workaround is to factor out the rules into separate relators such that there is only one rule per relator.
This issue will be resolved in a future release.