KBI 220517 System Printer Rules; No Details In Alert
Argent Guardian 8.0A-0701
27 Mar 2007
This issue is related to the information saved by Argent Guardian for information captured as part of a Printer Rule.
Technical Background
The information presented when an Alert is triggered by failure in a Printer Rule is shown below.
Rule: PRT_SHARES Server: \\SERVER\BLACK Result: Broken Printer ‘\\SERVER\BLACK’ return status error.
Rule Testing Trace Logs: Printer ‘\\SERVER\BLACK’ return status error.
The same Rule and Alert gives the following information when the
“Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor”
Rule: PRT_SHARES Server: \\SERVER\BLACK Result: Broken Print Queue Length=2 Maximum Job Delay=331 seconds
Rule Testing Trace Logs: Printer ‘\\SERVER\BLACK’ return status error.
Both outputs above were generated by the exact same Rule and Alert.
It is clear that the data being produced via the “Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor” option is missing the vital information regarding the failure reason.
To repeat this issue, perform the following steps:
- Add a Printer to the master catalog
- Add a Monitoring Group and include the new printer device
- Create a new System Printer Rule
- Select a “Printer Status” option that you know you can force, for example “Out of Paper”, do not select the “Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor” option
- Make a new Relator, add the Monitoring Group and the Printer Rule
- Test the Relator and note the results
- Return to the Rule definition and select the “Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor”
Test the Relator again and note the results, they should be similar to those shown above
Some possible workarounds are:
Leave the “Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor” option unchecked so that the full information is passed with the Alert (but no data is saved to Argent Predictor), or
Create 2 different Relators, one with the “Save Performance Data to Argent Predictor” checked and another with the option unchecked.
This will generate two Alerts per error, to avoid this happening set one of the Relators to fire an unobtrusive alert such as EID_LOG_AS_INFO
This solution is not ideal because the console will still receive the extra alert but if the Customer definitely requires the data to be saved to Argent Predictor this is a small inconvenience until this issue is addressed.