KBI 311188 Use Keyword %AGStatus% To Consolidate Email And SMS Alerts


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-A and later


Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Argent AT Alerts are used in following three scenarios:

  • Initial Alert when Rule is broken
  • Escalation if pending Alert is not answered or resolved within certain period of time
  • Correction notification when condition has been corrected

Typically three Alerts are needed for each recipient, one for each of the above scenarios

The three Alerts are similar except that subject or message body contains words like ‘Escalation‘, ‘Corrected‘ and ‘Alert‘ to differentiate

By using keyword ‘%AGStatus%’, the three Alerts can be replaced with a single Alert, which will make system administration a lot easier

Depending on where the Alert comes from, keyword ‘%AGStatus%‘ is replaced with one of following:

  • Alert
  • Escalated
  • Corrected

Technical Background

