KBI 311573 Custom Argent Report To List SNMPv1 Devices in Argent for SNMP


Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions


Thursday, 7 September 2017


This KBI provides a download link to an Argent Reports Custom Report for listing SNMPv1 devices in Argent for SNMP

Argent has found that a ‘noSuchName’ error exists when querying 64-bit counters against SNMPv1 devices

The required products are:

  • Argent Advanced Technology with Argent for SNMP installed (any version)
  • Argent Reports (any version)

Technical Background

The use the custom report, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the custom report here :


  2. Extract the ZIP and copy the .ACR file to {Drive}:\Argent\ArgentReports\CUSTOM_REPORTS
  3. Launch Argent Reports (or refresh if it is already open)
  4. Create a new Custom Report by right-clicking on the Reports tree, ‘New Report’ and choose ‘Custom Reports’ as the Type:

  5. Choose the ARGENT_CUSTOM_REPORT_LIST_SNMPv1_DEVICES.ACR in the Custom .ACR File pull-down, and give the report a Title and any other text relevant to the table:

  6. Preview the Report:

    The report shows all SNMPv1 devices licensed in Argent for SNMP

Additional Notes:

The SNMP version can be specified in two ways in Argent AT:

  • Via the License Nodes properties screen:

  • Or, if the protocol is set to ‘Use Default’ , this means the protocol is inherited by the Network Group the node is under:
