KBI 311836 How To Automatically Cancel Cyclic Jobs If the Job Is Still Running When It Is Time To Run Another Instance Of The Job


Argent Job Scheduler 1912 and above


Thursday, 21 May 2020


This article explains how to automatically cancel cyclic jobs if the job is still running when it is time to run another instance of the job

Technical Background

Sample Jobob HC_1_SAMPLE runs every 30 minutes

Sample Job HC_2_SAMPLE runs every 30 minutes but also has a dependency on HC_1_SAMPLE

HC_1_SAMPLE runs from 00:05 until 00:48

HC_1_SAMPLE that normally would start at 00:35 needs to be cancelled

HC_2_SAMPLE that normally would start at 00:10 needs to be cancelled

HC_2_SAMPLE that normally would start at 00:40 needs to run at 00:48


Open the Job Template for HC_1_SAMPLE

Update HC_1_SAMPLE to run every 30 minutes in the Schedule settings

Update the HC_1_SAMPLE option “Only one job instance being executed at any time” in the Advanced settings

Update the HC_1_SAMPLE option “Notify if job is late more than” with “ABEND_JOB” in the Job Limit settings

Open the Job Template for HC_2_SAMPLE

Update HC_2_SAMPLE to run every 30 minutes in the Schedule settings

Update the HC_2_SAMPLE option “Only one job instance being executed at any time” in the Advanced settings

Update the HC_2_SAMPLE option “Configure Dependency Time Limit Options” in the Job Dependencies settings