KBI 310318 Unable To Install Argent with Norton Antivirus


Argent AT, Argent XT and the Argent Job Scheduler – all recent product versions.


3 Sep 2012


Installation of Argent (client) product fails when Norton Antivirus 2012 or Norton 360 is active.

Technical Background

During an install, Norton SONAR technology will detect the Argent SETUPEX.EXE file as a security risk and instantly remove it from the Argent product directory.

The Argent SETUP.EXE process discontinues after 1-2 seconds. No error messages are displayed. The SETUP_LOG.TXT states messages such as:

Date Time : Creating process C:\Argent Products\



Temporarily deactivate Norton Antivirus or its SONAR protection component, prior to executing the Argent SETUP.EXE command.