KBI 312095 Argent Omega Alert Keywords


Argent Omega 2.2A-2307-B (Build: 2.2.2309.29) and later


Friday, 29 September 2023


Argent Omega supports Keywords for customized alert context.

The feature enables alert context customization to suit any need.

Example of keywords is shown below.

The following Agent Omega Alerts support Keywords:

  • Email
  • Event Log
  • Network Message
  • System Alarm
  • SMS
  • SNMP
  • Twitter

Technical Background

Available Keywords are listed as following:

  • %AGNodeName%
    It is CMDB-X Node name (D2)
  • %AGNodeType%
    It is node type displayed in Node Properties in CMDB-X (D2)
  • %AGEventDetail%
    It is the short description (summary) of event in Event Console (A2B)
  • %AGHighDetail%
    It is the long description (detail) of event in Event Console (A2B).
  • %AGService%
    It is used only for events raised by Windows Service Rule. It is the service name that broken Rule is about.
  • %AGPort%
    It is used only for events raised by SNMP Rule or Connectivity Rule. It is the switch port name that broken Rule is about.
  • %AGClusterName%
    It is cluster name specified in Node Properties in CMDB-X (D2).
  • %AGClusterObject%
    It is the cluster object name, actually same as CMDB-X node name. It only works for cluster objects such as cluster network interface, cluster resource etc.
  • %AGUniqueID%
    It is the unique identifier of current event. It is usually used in event answering with email.
  • %AGAliasName%
    It is node alias specified in CMDB-X Node Properties (D2)
  • %AGBrokenRuleName%
    It is the broken Rule name of current event. The value is stored in RULE_NAME column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGBrokenRuleCategory%
    It is the broken Rule category of current event. The value is stored in RULE_CATEGORY column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGRelatorName%
    It is the Relator name of current event. The value is stored in RELATOR column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGLowDetail%
    It is the short description (summary) of current event. The value is stored in SHORT_DESCRIPTION column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGHighDetailAsString%
    It is the long description (detail) of current event with all new lines removed. The value is stored in LONG_DESCRIPTION column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGConsoleComment%
    It is the console comment defined in the broken Rule. The value is stored in CONSOLE_COMMENT column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %AGRuleDesc%
    It is the Rule description defined in the broken Rule.
  • %Date%
    It is date part of event time. The value is stored in LATEST_ALERT_TIME_UTC column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
  • %Time%
    It is time part of event time. The value is stored in LATEST_ALERT_TIME_UTC column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE.
    It is the real Windows machine name (NETBIOS) specified in Node Properties in CMDB-X. Most of time it is the same as %AGNodeName%.
  • %ServerLocation%
    It is the location property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in LOCATION column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %PointOfContact%
    It is the ‘Point of Contact’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in POINT_OF_CONTACT column in linked SQL Table ARGSOFT_AT_LOCATION.
  • %PhoneNumber%
    It is the ‘Phone#’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in CONTACT_PHONE column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %EmailAddress%
    It is the ‘Email Address’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in CONTACT_EMAIL column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %SystemOwner%
    It is the ‘System Owner’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in SYSTEM_OWNER column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %SecurityOfficer%
    It is the ‘Security Officer’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in SECURITY_OFFICER column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %SupportURL%
    It is the ‘Support URL’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in SUPPORT_URL column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %RemoteDesktop%
    It is the ‘Remote Desktop’ property in Node Properties in CMDB-X. The value is stored in REMOTE_DESKTOP column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %AGShortDetail%
    It is the short description (summary) of current event. The value is stored in SHORT_DESCRIPTION column in SQL Table ARGSOFT_AAM_CONSOLE
  • %AGResolvedIP%
    It is the alternative IP address of event resolution is about. If node does not have alternative IP address, node name is used instead.
  • %SystemDate%
    It is the date part of current system time.
  • %SystemTime%
    It is the time part of current system time.
  • %ResolveDate%
    It is the date part of event resolution time.
  • %ResolveTime%
    It is the time part of event resolution time.
  • %AGPriority%
    It is the event priority. It can be High, Medium, Low or custom text.
  • %ArgentAlertMechanism %
    It is the name of Argent Console engine where event is fired.
  • %URL%
    It is the URL of a URL object in CMDB-X.
  • %AGOriginalEventDetail%
    It is the original event detail when event is automatically resolved. It shows how Rule was broken previously.
  • %AGResolvedEventDetail%
    It is the event resolution detail when event is automatically resolved. It shows how Rule is resolved.
  • %AGNetworkGroup%
    It is the name of network group that node belongs to in CMDB-X.
  • %AGStatus%
    It is the status of current event. It can be Alert, Escalated or Corrected.
  • %AGProductName%
    It is the name of Argent AT product that event comes from. For example, it can Argent Guardian Ultra.
  • %AGNodeDesc%
    It is the node description in CMDB-X.
  • %AGPriorityCaps%
    It is the event priority in uppercase.
  • %AGNodeMake%
    It is the node property ‘Make’ in CMDB-X. The value is stored in MAKE column in ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %AGNodeModel%
    It is the node property ‘Model’ in CMDB-X. The value is stored in MODEL column in ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %AGNodeInstalledApps%
    It is the node property ‘Installed Applications’ in CMDB-X. The value is stored in linked SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY_APPLICATION.
  • %AGRunBook%
    It is the RunBook defined in Rule definition.
  • %AGApplication%
    It is the Rule Application defined in Rule definition.
  • %AGSuperLink%
    It is the Rule Reference Link defined in Rule definition.
  • %AGSuperLinkAlias%
    It is the Rule Reference Link alias defined in Rule definition.
  • %LicenseTo%
    It is company name in license.
  • %LicenseContact%
    It is contact name in license file.
  • %LicenseEmail%
    It is contact email address in license file.
  • %LicensePhone%
    It is contact phone in license.
  • %TIER%
    It is the node property Tier in CMDB-X. The value is stored in column TIER in SQL Table ARGSOFT_CMDBX_ENTITY.
  • %AGLocalTimezone%
    It is the node property Time Zone in CMDB-X.
  • %AGScheduleTimezone%
    It is Time Zone of scheduling engine where task is scheduled.
  • %AGMonitoringGroup%
    It is the Monitoring Group that event node belongs to.
  • %AGAlertName%
    It is the used Alert name.
  • %LocalDate%
    It is the date part of event time in local time zone of node.
  • %LocalTime%
    It is the time part of event time in local time zone of node.
  • %ResolveLocalDate%
    It is the date part of event resolution time in local time zone of node.
  • %ResolveLocalTime%
    It is the time part of event resolution time in local time zone of node.
  • %UtcOffset%
    It is the difference in minutes of node local time zone and UTC.
  • %AGScheduler%
    It is the Argent Omega Generator that scheduled the task causing the event.
  • %AGExecutor%
    It is the Argent Omega Generator that executed the task causing the event.



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