KBI 311094 Issue Addressed: Failed To Send Argent Advanced Technology License Expiration Email


Argent Advanced Technology all versions


Thursday, 23 Oct 2014


Argent Advanced Technology sends out notification email when license is about to expire within 14 days or license has already expired

The recipient email address is the contact embedded in license key

The function is broken when IE version is 10 or later

The issue is addressed in Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T6 or later

Technical Background

The notification email is sent through www.argent.com

It relies on WININET library to send POST data

Apparently something changed since IE 10

The UNICODE version of API ‘HttpSendRequest‘ no longer recognizes the POST data in UNICODE

The issue is addressed by switching to ANSI version of correspondent API


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T6 or later