KBI 310460 New Feature: Add Monitoring Groups To Views
Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A
Friday, 3 May 2013
Apart from Servers/Devices, Monitoring Groups also can now be added to Views.
To add Monitoring Groups to a View, select a view, select tab ‘Argent AT‘ or ‘Argent XT‘, select tab ‘Monitored Objects‘ and click the add button
A sub-window pops up with list of Servers/Devices and Monitoring Groups. Select the option ‘Monitoring Groups‘. Available list of Monitoring Groups get displayed. Select desired Monitoring Groups and click ‘OK‘ button
A message box is displayed with option to add Monitoring Groups as Shared or Private; click any one
Added Monitoring Groups get listed in the view’s list with option to allow Read/Modify/Delete. Save the changes and all the Servers/Devices that fall under the newly added Monitoring Groups also get assigned for the View
Technical Background