KBI 310549 Issue Addressed: Unable To Type Special Characters For Target Node In Test Sample Data’
Argent AT 3.1A-1307-A or above
Tue, 25 Jun 2013
In Argent for Compliance, when clicking ‘Test Sample Data’ for Linux/Unix nodes, a prompt to ‘Select A Target Machine’ appears.
The selection box allows customers to conveniently type in the name of the server, in addition to selecting from the pull-down menu
When typing, customers cannot input ‘-‘ or ‘_’
Technical Background
This is caused by a coding error
Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1307 or above
For earlier versions, customers can enable the feature of blind-copy-paste by changing the registry ‘BLIND-COPY-PASTE’ to 1, and use a copy/paste to enter node names with special characters