KBI 310752 Issue Addressed: Tasks Using Shared Monitoring Engine Process Might Be Cancelled Or Delayed
Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1310-A or below
Tuesday, 19 Nov 2013
Argent AT shared Monitoring Engine process recycles every 30 minutes
This is done to overcome errors in the Microsoft PDH (Performance Data Helper) DLL that can cause the PDH DLL to hang
As extra bulletproofing, Argent recycles the Argent AT shared Monitoring Engine every 30 minutes
It will be spawned again when next task is scheduled to run using this shared process
But if a task work order is waiting for the shared process to pick up, it won’t happen until the process is re-spawned
Technical Background
If the shared Monitoring Engine process is recycled, a task work order is waiting it to pick up, and the next task is more than five minutes in the future, the task can be cancelled by Main Engine with log lines similar to following:
18 Nov 2013 13:35:28.529 PANWS A\Administrator About to cancel task (Relator: REL_VM_GUEST_PERF, server: PanA01 – DC – Domain (W2008x32) 70/1). Reason: it has been running for more than 5 minutes
The issue may happen more frequently when ‘dynamic‘ pool option is used in Relator combined with big pool size, as the next task is more likely not to run on exact same slot in the pool
Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1310-B or later