KBI 311008 New Product: Total Web Integrity


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later


Monday, 21 July 2014


A new product has been added to the Argent Sentry framework with the introduction of ‘Total Web Integrity‘ product

Technical Background

With the new Total Web Integrity product customers can now not only monitor critical websites and intranets for hacking, but can also automatically purge the hacking

The new Total Web Integrity product is implemented as a set of Rules in the Argent Sentry framework

The new product also has the option to delete the hacker’s files

For the restore facility, there is a new Automated Backup and Recovery option added, which enables customers to create and manage multiple backups of each URL

Total Web Integrity Rule To Monitor Modified Files

Automated Backup And Recovery


Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A or later