KBI 311133 Issue Addressed: Missing First Instance Of Relator Execution After Midnight When Using Custom Recycling Time Other Than Midnight And Dynamic Scheduling With Long Relator Interval


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1410-A or Earlier


Friday, 19 Dec 2014


If a Relator uses dynamic scheduling and a long interval ( >= 4 hours), and Argent AT uses a custom recycling time other than midnight, customer may notice the first instance of Relator Execution is missing

For example, a Relator’s interval is 4 hours

A node in the Relator should be monitored 6 times per day

The first instance should happen within (00:00, 03:59), second instance within (04:00, 07:59) and so on

Customer may find the first instance is missing, and the node is monitored after 4 a.m for the first time of the day

The issue happens only for custom recycling time other than midnight is used

The issue is addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1501-A

Technical Background

It is a coding error in schedule recalculation when date is changed and service is not recycling

If service recycles at the midnight, the schedule is completely re-initialized

There will be no issue


Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1501-A or later

For customer who cannot upgrade immediately, he should change the Relator scheduling from dynamic to a fixed start time

Because of the long Relator interval, there is little performance impact on the system for the change