KBI 311357 Issue Addressed: Engine Might Run Relator Recheck Even Recheck Settings Are Disabled


Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-C and earlier


Monday, 14 March 2016


In Relator Recheck Setting dialog box, user might do following steps:

  1. Check any of options ‘Stop Escalation Sequence’, ‘Set Event In Argent Console As’, ‘Fire Following Alerts…’
  2. Check option ‘Re-check Every xxx Minutes’
  3. Check one of two options ‘Stop Rule Re-check…’
  4. Uncheck all options ‘Stop Escalation Sequence’, ‘Set Event In Argent Console As’, ‘Fire Following Alerts…’

The Recheck Setting dialog box will look like following:

Note that the option ‘Stop Rule Re-check’ is dimmed, but still checked

As a result, Engine will run this Relator recheck once every minute if the Rule is broken, even though all the recheck options are disabled

The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1601-T5

Technical Background

It is caused by coding error


Upgrade to Argent AT 3.1A-1601-T5 or later

For customer who cannot upgrade immediately, he can clear out the recheck settings by going to the Relator Recheck Setting dialog box, check one of options ‘Stop Escalation Sequence’, ‘Set Event In Argent Console As’, ‘Fire Following Alerts…’ to enable other fields

Uncheck option ‘Stop Rule Re-check…’, then uncheck the temporarily set option