KBI 311529 Free Argent Detect App CLI
Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions
Thursday, 23 February 2017
With a single command Argent customers can search whether a particular application is installed on one or more Windows servers. The free Argent Detect App CLI automatically updates Argent CMDB-X database of corresponding servers. Scheduling the CLI to run every week ensures the Argent CMDB-X is up to date.
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -help shows the usage of Argent Detect App CLI
Technical Background
The Argent Detect App CLI scans for the specified applications on a specific server, specific Network Group or all Network Groups in Argent CMDB-X. The details of applications should be specified in file ‘Argsoft_AppRegs.xml’ as shown below:
The server or Argent CMDB-X network group to be scanned can be specified via command line.
There are also command line options to add/update/delete new application entries to/from the xml file.
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -s server [-p application] [-user user] [-pswd pswd] [-snmp v1|v2c] [-comm community]
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -n group [-p application] [-user user] [-pswd pswd] [-snmp v1|v2c] [-comm community]
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -all [-p application] [-user user] [-pswd pswd] [-snmp v1|v2c] [-comm community]
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe [-add | -update] -p application -g group -m registry -reg reghive [-val value]
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe [-add | -update] -p application -g group -m service -serv svcname
ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -delete -p application
Searches for the configured applications in the server AI-MFC-106-W10
- ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -s AI-MFC-106-W10 -p MSSQL -user TRIVSOFT\triv -pswd Power123 -snmp v1
Searches for the application “MSSQL” in the server AI-MFC-106-W10 using SNMP method
- ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -n “First Network Group” -p MSSQL -user TRIVSOFT\triv -pswd Password! -snmp v1
Searches for the application “MSSQL” in the Network Group “First Network Group” using SNMP method
- ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -all -p MSSQL -user TRIVSOFT\triv -pswd Power123 -snmp v1
Searches for the application “MSSQL” in all Network Groups using SNMP method
- ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -add -p JDK -g CORP_DATABASES -m registry -reg “SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit”
Adds the application entry for the application Java Development Kit to argsoft_appregs.xml
Following is the screenshot of updated argsoft_appregs.xml file:
- ARGENT_DETECTAPP_CLI.exe -update -p IIS -g CORP_COMMUNICATIONS_NEW -m registry -reg “System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\ImagePath_New”
Updates the application entry for IIS in argsoft_appregs.xml with the specified parameters
Deletes the application entry for IIS in argsoft_appregs.xml