KBI 311533 Issue Addressed: Setup Program Fails To Detect KB2999226 And Abort
Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-1701-A and earlier versions
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Argent AT setup program fails to detect installed KB2999226 for various reasons, and abort without giving user option to continue.
The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 5.1A-1704-A.
Technical Background
Argent AT setup program used command line ‘wmic.exe qfe get hotfixid’ to list all installed Microsoft hotfixes. WMIC can fail for various reasons, and security permission is the most common one. It is also reported that Windows 2008 R2 reports no hotfixes any more after Windows update. To make thing worse, WMIC.exe does not report error messages in detail, which makes debugging a lot harder.
Underneath the command line, it is a query on WMI class ‘Win32_QuickFixEngineering’. It is the only option available to get the hotfix information, which does not store in registry. Argent AT 5.1A-1701-B setup program is recoded to query WMI directly and generate the exact WMI errors for easier debugging.
Upgrade to Argent AT 5.1A-1704-A.
For user who cannot upgrade immediately, do following to force installation:
- Run _ARGENT_AT_INSTALL\vcredist_x86.exe to install VC++ 2015 Runtime (x86).
- Run _ARGENT_AT_INSTALL\vcredist_x64.exe to install VC++ 2015 Runtime (x64).
- Run _ARGENT_AT_INSTALL\AT_SETUP.exe to install as usual.